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Maintenance Package

May 05, 2017 Traditions
Maintenance  Package

  Like all home upgrades, landscape lights require maintenance to keep them at peak performance in the years to come. Lenses get dirty, fixtures get bumped by snow removal, and small animals are devastatingly attracted to anything that we would rather they stay away from. Because of this, we here at Traditions recommend our maintenance package to help keep your lights glowing and bright long after install.




  We take pride in our work and want to do everything we can to make sure that your display is just as stunning five years down the road as it is the first day it was installed. The maintenance package includes inspection and maintenance on your transformer, fixtures, the landscaping around your lights, and more. Our trained professionals can catch problems before the occur, or make minor repairs to prevent large-scale damage in the future, saving time, money, and any hassle on your part.



Below is an example of a very preventable–and very expensive–mishap that could have very easily been avoided.



  Most of the central wiring had been chewed through by the time the client got in touch with us. With good installation and regular inspecting and cleaning, this transformer could have easily lasted another ten plus years.


  Fixtures also have a certain amount of required upkeep. Beyond making sure the internal elements are in good order, it is imperative to keep the fixture in harmony with the landscape that surrounds it.  This can mean trimming back an ambitious Hosta bush or adjusting the angle of the beam to compensate for the growth of a tree. Changes in landscape, season, and even the color of your home can all merit a minor tweaking of the display. In cases of more extreme yard renovations, lights might also need to be relocated to a more appropriate place.


  We firmly believe that our job is not finished after the install. Keeping displays up to our standards is an ongoing process that requires passion and diligence on our part, things that are in no short supply at Traditions.  Our premium maintenance package is just one more way that we are raising the standards for our clients. You deserve the best, both now and down the road, so let us keep your display looking as bright as the day you bought it. That is, after all, what we are here for.


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